I have never been a big fan of the “dream big” idea, yet there is a lot of value in dreaming big. I am more in the “dream big and then do something about it” fan club. I think all of us know many people who dream about all these big things – “one day I will be this” and “one day I will have that” – but they don’t ever do anything about it.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
That is one of the very reasons I like sports as an example for kids. As soon as our kids engage in any sport, they realize that the kids who work hard are fitter, stronger, and more mobile than they are. The penny suddenly drops that they can’t just pitch up at practice or a game and expect to be better than their opponent. Yet, in life, there are many people who want to take shortcuts in everything and still want the maximum rewards. I read a great quote the other day that really resonates: “Everybody wants the view, but not everybody wants the climb.”
I suspect my lack of sympathy for big dreamers that take no action comes from the fact that I have never managed to achieve anything without seriously hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. I guess it is a case of different strokes for different folks, and I suspect there are very intelligent people who don’t necessarily have to work as hard, but maybe they work smarter.
Leading by Example
During my time as a professional sportsman, I had an insatiable drive to be the fittest in my team and the fittest in my position. As the captain, I felt that I had to set the example, and therefore I took it upon me to be the best version of myself. I didn’t always set the example with my discipline on the field, and that haunted me for many years. That is a long story for another day. OK, moving on swiftly!
The Power of a Strong Network
Some people are very good at coming up with ideas, but they are not good at executing those ideas and changing the ideas into practical, money-making businesses. It is therefore very important to surround yourself with friends who are positive and encouraging, but above all, honest with you. In the early days of setting up my business, I had many doubts and fears, and if it wasn’t for positive, motivating friendships and the unwavering support of my wife, I would probably not have succeeded in getting my business off the ground. Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will, and that is why you need a great support structure behind you when you dream big.
Building a Foundation for Success
It takes me back to the five pillars in life: family, friends, health, spirit, and work. These five pillars cannot operate in isolation, as they are all reliant on each other, and the success of your dreams depends on how well you nurture these five pillars.
If you would like to get in touch with me about my key note presentation, Debunking Motivation, please send an email to corne@cornekrige.com. Visit my website to review my speaker sheet for more info. I also share my story on my social media pages on Facebook and LinkedIn.