How can I start this blog without congratulating the Springboks on an incredible World Cup. For South Africa to be the first team in the world to win four World Cups is astonishing as we have played two less tournaments than all the other countries. Let’s raise a toast to Siya and the Team as we enter the last month of 2023.
While this is a time of joy and celebration, I do think it is important to take stock of the year that has been and really take to opportunity to put your feet up and have a good rest mentally and physically. For many people in our beautiful country, Christmas time is a sad time as they have lost close friends or family members. This time of the year people are flooded with emotions as the festive season is a time of family reunions. Spare a thought for those who will be missing those who are no longer with us. For me and my family this is a time of celebration, connecting with friends and family and a time of giving. We must understand that there are millions of people who are less privileged and therefore we try and have a mindset of giving rather than receiving.
Who do you know that has lost a friend or family member in 2023? This will be the first Christmas without them and it will be a challenging time for them. Why don’t you reach out and invite them for dinner or even just a coffee to see how they are coping. If you really don’t have time then a WhatsApp message will do. Instead of asking your kids “what they want for Christmas”, why don’t you ask them what they want to give for Christmas and to who. Our kids know exactly which kids are in need in their class and it is always nice to see them give something rather than receive.
The next thing I feel strongly about is claiming your rest during the December holidays. Do not allow anybody to interfere with your two or three weeks of rest, because if you allow them, they will take up your valuable rest time. Cell phones have made us always available 365 and 24/7 and we must not allow our phones to steal our rest. Unless you are a doctor or someone in the medical profession that has to save someone’s life, I would like to encourage you to switch off your phone for a few hours every day. It is not only liberating but it helps you forget about work and other things that add stress to my life.
My wish for Christmas 2023 is that it will be a time of rest, relaxation and mental rehabilitation for every single one of you and I pray that 2024 will be a year filled with health, love, joy and incredible blessings If you are travelling be safe and I look forward to a year filled with promise in 2024.
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