The Art Of Celebrating Small Wins

The Art Of Celebrating Small Wins

With COVID well in our rearview mirrors, it is always good to look back and take the positives out of the horrendous situation. I will never forget the day our President addressed the nation and said that we would be in full lockdown in 48 hours’ time. I looked at Justine in total disbelief, and we decided to drive to the Karoo and spend that time on the farm with my brother-in-law. Three weeks turned into five weeks, and so we continued along this very insecure time in our lives.


The reason why I am telling you this story is because sometimes you have to lose something before you really appreciate it. After about three months of working from home, not having much work as most businesses were closed, I managed to sign a small contract. I will never forget how excited I was and how both my wife and I jumped up and down with joy about a small contract. Why does it have to take a worldwide pandemic for us to appreciate the small wins in life? Why don’t we look at things in a different way and celebrate every single win, big or small?


I would like to share three “small” wins for me in the last few weeks:

  • CK Advertising turned 17 years old, and I am truly grateful to every staff member who played a role in this incredible journey. At times I am disappointed that we are not much larger than we are, but I do know that I put my heart and soul into building CK into a company that will be very saleable in the years to come.
  • The second win is one very close to my heart, and that is that I have a 19-year-old daughter at Stellenbosch University. It is always very difficult for both parents, but especially for a father. I guess the reason it is worse for fathers is because we know what goes on in a 19-year-old boy’s head. I am truly proud of the woman my daughter has turned into, and that is a big win for me.
  • My third win involves both fitness and friends. On the 23rd of May, I held the 5th Tour de Krige at the magical Gondwana Game Reserve. This is a three-day mountain bike event that I organize for a small group of 40 people. The event is by invite only, and it has become a very sought-after event. The original idea was to get a few mates on their bikes and do trips. I then realized that there are many people who would like to do a three-day mountain bike trip but are not fit enough for the big races. This is very casual, and you have to stay between two game viewing vehicles as it is a big five game reserve.

Cold beers at the second water point of every day is a highlight for many. La Motte wine and KWV gin, brandy, and whiskey make for a very joyful three days. Thanks to all my sponsors. I trust that this great event will continue for many more years to come.

Please share some of your wins with me, and I hope June will bring you many more wins.


If you would like to get in touch with me about my key note presentation, Debunking Motivation, please send an email to Visit my website to review my speaker sheet for more info. I also share my story on my social media pages on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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