Inspiration: Is life the greatest juggling act of all time?

Inspiration: Is life the greatest juggling act of all time?

When inspiration strikes, I tend to think out loud. I have always believed that success is a final destination and that your bank balance has a lot to do with your success. Over the last few years, I have really started questioning this belief and I have come to the following conclusion.

Modern-day society judges our success by the amount of money we have made. There is no doubt that being successful in one area of your life doesn’t make you successful in others. It begs the question – what is success to me?

Success to me is balance. If you have a balanced life and a relative amount of success in the following areas, then you are winning:

  • Family and Home
  • Religion/faith
  • Work/finances
  • Health
  • Friends
  • Community

To be super successful in one area, you will have to sacrifice another. It is impossible to say someone is successful, but he has sacrificed his health. This is a common mistake all of us make as we try to be “successful”.

I have always been inspired by Bryan Dyson. The former Coca-Cola CEO once said; “Imagine life as a game in which we are juggling the five balls. Work, health, family, friends, and spirit. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls – family, health, friends and spirit are all glass balls. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand this and strive for it.”

I choose to try my best not to drop any glass balls. What is your choice?  Book a 15-minute consultation with me on Learn about the three principles of Debunking Motivation – inspiration, motivation and aspiration.

1 Comment

  • Kev Boekestein
    24/06/2021 05:29 0Likes

    Loved this piece Corne’, loving the inspiration!

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