In Sport, there are so many examples of superhuman comebacks that always inspire us and help us to be more positive when things go wrong. In recent times I can think about Lance Armstrong, Schalk Burger, Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan to name a few. Whether it is a comeback from a career-ending injury or a comeback from a life-threatening disease, it takes a very strong mind and a lot of hard work to comeback. I am not a professional in giving advice, but I have had a couple of major setbacks and managed to get through them.
- Mindset: You cannot plan for a setbacks but always have the mindset that things can go wrong, and they will. In this way you are preparing your mind to be resilient to setbacks and to never give up.
- Support: It is incredibly important to have a very strong support team. When things go wrong then you have different groups of people who can guide, advise, and support when the chips are down. In return you have to be there for your friends to help when things go wrong in their life. Giving of your time is always far more rewarding than receiving.
- Planning: When things go wrong in your life it becomes important to get organised and make sure you have a well planned day, week, and months. This way you will be focusing more on the comeback than the setback. You will be so busy with positive things that you will have no time to ponder and beat yourself up.
- Exercise: I always seem to come back to this point, but please don’t exercise when you have had a physical setback and the doctors have advised you not to exercise! It has however worked for me in the past when I have had a setback, to get on my bike or put on my running shoes for a run or walk. It clears my mind and makes me appreciate my health which leads to more positive thoughts and actions. Just my way of thinking of it. Use it or lose it!!!
- Faith: When things are going well and life is good it is very easy to think you have it all under control and that you can control everything yourself. As soon as the pawpaw hits the fan and things happen that are not under your control then your faith has to kick in. The Bible says: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”
Ultimately all these things work together and we need to apply them consistently. I have recently had friends who have lost family members, and had cancer scares in their family and I admire their positivity. I think a positive mindset is the key to getting all the other things in place. All the best with all the challenges and I pray that you will turn setbacks into comebacks.
If you would like to get in touch with me about my key note presentation, Debunking Motivation, please send an email to Visit my website to review my speaker sheet for more info. I also share my story on my social media pages on Facebook and LinkedIn.